Celine van der Haegen

“I had severe pain in my hips and lower back, but after I did a class the pain just passed away... I ended up cancelling my appointment at the osteopath!”

“When I first encounter Meytal’s work 8 years ago, I had a lot of resistance with the slowness and high concentration it demands. But then I saw how my body was astonishingly different after her classes. I could taste such softeness, fluidity and sensation of enjoying deeply my body's movement. Also the coordination was a terrible challenge for me and everyday after practicing her classes my limbs could finally move together very harmoniously. I was just a witness of this amazing intelligence of the body acting naturally on its own. 

I keep studying with Meytal’s online classes for more than 5 years. She is my master. The softness of her voice, the subtle details of her practice are golden keys that keep on opening my body in new ways every time I listen to her. She is a very precious jewel.

For example, I had severe pain in my hips and lower back, so I had booked an appointment at the osteopath. But after I did her class, the pain just passed away! I ended up cancelling my appointment at the osteopath...!”

Following her ongoing participation in Fathom HIGH workshops and classes, Celine completed her studies to become a certified Feldenkrais teacher!

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