Library of Feldenkrais & dance classes | Online classes | Supportive tribe community

You don't have to feel held back by your body

Are you a dancer or dance lover that's tired of feeling tension, stiffness, pain or restriction in movement?

Do you intuitively feel that moving can and should feel much lighter and more fulfilling?

Do you suffer from pain & limitation?

The FATHOM HIGH Tribe is designed to help you exactly with these challenges. The Tribe will:

  • Make this infectious, addictive, life-changing freedom of movement into your new default mode
  • Connect you to your body on a profound level so that you can stay grounded, connected and inspired
  • Teach you exactly how to break free from loops of restriction, limitation & pain
  • Give you your dancing mojo back so that you can truly express who YOU are authentically and freely in your dancing.

Students success stories

Stefan Veselinovic

"After Meytal's classes I did an improv dance video where I felt the freedom I haven’t felt in, for certain parts of my body, I can honestly say, years. Of course all of the therapy had their part in my healing, but after these classes I feel that the change is much more visible and even durable..."

Nadia Luis

"After months of feeling like I’m frozen, mind and body disconnected, this morning, after 4 days in a row using the FATHOM HIGH Dance library, I woke up and I can taste this almost silent movement blooming inside, a wish to take part in life again. This is so precious! I am very very grateful…"

Ema Inácio

"I’ve been having a terrible pain in my hip, and today it was difficult for me to walk. So I did the five-day hip joints challenge from the library, and.. Tcharam! The pain gently went away! WOW! I’m walking as if I had wings on my feet and petals in my hips. Thank you very much Meytal for your wonderful work!"

Julie Compans

"I am 43 and stopped my career as a dancer 5 years ago. And as a miracle, the feeling of going back dancing again appeared and I am so happy. Even my body is ready to go back to the studio. And I know deeply that is because I have never lost this link between my body and playing around with movement. I am really grateful. Thank you Meytal 🙏"

Celine Van Der Haegen

"I had a massive pain in my lower back, and I scheduled an appointment to the osteopath. But after I did a class from the library, the pain was gone completely! I ended up canceling my appointment at the Osteopath…"

Move with a freedom you never dreamed possible

Unlock your physical potential
Move with such freedom you never dreamed possible
Get inspired & profoundly connected to your body
Break free from tension, limitations, pain & injuries

hey there,

If you're on a healing journey, or searching to become a more skilled mover - I feel you. In 2002 a past car accident left me stiff, injured and unable to do what I love most - to dance. 

Not only did Feldenkrais heal me profoundly, but it dramatically improved every aspect of my movement, and taught me to meet my body with such kindness, playfulness and child-like curiosity. 

Since then I've devoted my life to helping others overcome limitations and unlock their physical potential. As a certified Feldenkrais teacher with over a decade of experience, I've helped hundreds of people to heal, connect and free their body to move. 

What's included:

A massive library of Feldenkrais & dance classes to tackle any physical challnege

You’ll have access to 2 super rich libraries: the dance classes library and the Feldenkrais classes library. These classes will help you tackle a huge variety of physical challenges and goals, so that you can improve your movement skills and learn to move with such freedom you never dreamed possible. Plus, these libraries keep growing! You'll get a new inspiring class once a week!

Online classes with Meytal

Except for the library, we also hold regular online classes with Meytal, where you can be followed by a professional. All the live classes with Meytal are uploaded to the library, so you won't miss a thing if you can't attend the live class! 

Free entrance to the Tribe's 5 days Summer Retreat in Portugal!

As a FATHOM HIGH Tribe Member you’ll get a free ticket to our once a year epic LIVE Tribe event: A 5-day Summer Retreat in Portugal!! This is a FREE retreat that’s open ONLY for the Tribe MembersYou'll only be asked to cover your basic costs of food, accommodation, etc. We won't be charging any extra fees, nor will we be earning any revenue from it. This is Meytal's gift to the community of the Tribe. 

Frequently asked questions

Am I expected to attend all the classes and events that the tribe offers?


Absolutely not :-)

We offer a huge variety of different activities since we see that different Tribe members have different needs.

Some tribers use only the library to practice and learn in their own pace, others enjoy attending the online classes live. Even only 2 classes with Meytal, or even just the bonus retreat are worth the price of a yearly membership in the Tribe. So don't feel like you need to do it all. The whole idea is that you take from all we offer ONLY the things that suit your life-style and preferences ;-)

How often do I need to practice in order to see results?


Tribe members report seeing improvements already with as little as 1 class per week. We also have shorter classes in our library to make practicing easy and accesible! But the more you practice, the merrier! like anything else, the more you become familiar with this practice the more it integrates into your life.

Who is it for?


These classes are extremely effective in two specific instances: 

  1. If you're looking to improve your physical abilities and become a more skilled mover
  2. If you're searching to overcome limitation, tension or pain. 

If you are genuinely curious about movement and your body, then the membership is exactly for you! 

However, if you're looking for a quick fix, but aren't interested much in connecting to your body or learning through listening to your movement, then these classes might not be the best fit for you. 

How does it create such profound effects? What's the science behind it?


The classes make a difference where it counts the most - in our brains! Based on the science of neuroplasticity, the classes use proved strategies that re-wire our movement patterns, thus creating a change in our brain's neural pathways & changing our habits from the core. Although it sometimes feels like astonishing 'miracles', the science of it is actually pretty straight forward! 

I'm here only for Feldenkrais, or only for the FATHOM HIGH dance practice. How does that work?


Sure! You more than welcome to dive into Feldenkrais only, or into the FATHOM HIGH dance practice alone! To trully benefit from one, you don't need to be practicing both.

The whole idea of the library is to support you in YOUR journey and your needs, so that it's as comprehensive and as rich as possible!

Can I do a class in any setting?


Yes, absolutely! That’s the fun and beauty of it. All you need is enough space to lie down on the floor, close your eyes and dive into your body…!

What do I need for a class? Any specific type of equipment?


You’ll need a yoga mat or a comfortable blanket to lie on. In some instances you might want to have 2 pillows available, in case you’ll need support for your head or legs. It’s recommended to wear comfortable clothes that don’t restrict your movement.

How do I cancel my membership?


It's super easy to stop your membership and you can cancel at any time. If you wish to discontinue your membership, no problem! Just drop us a line at: and we will stop all future payments!

Freedom can become your new movement default mode!

FREE Online Training – The Physical Mastermind is Coming Soon!

Coming this April! This epic, three-part free training will show you how to unlock your physical potential and move with a level of freedom you never thought possible.Join the waitlist now to secure your spot and be the first to access this game-changing training!